Click on the molecule and drag to change the view. Shift click and drag up/down to zoom in/out. Shift and double click to pan.
Use the box above to search for the structure of a molecule. The lower box gives a choice of databases to search. Try, for example, aspirin, clotrimazole, vasopressin or other molecule names that you might find. The RCSB is a database that uses codes such as 4N7K and 4OAA to identify proteins. You are advised to browse their database before searching.
To change the appearance
Ball & Stick Spacefill Sticks Wireframe Ribbons Cartoon
Zoom in Zoom out Reset zoom
To turn the molecule
Turn (x) Turn (y) Turn (z)
To spin the molecule
Spin (x) Spin (y) Spin (z) Spin off
Right clicking (or equivalent) on the picture of the molecule brings up a menu with other options.
Stereographic viewing
Red blue Red cyan Red green Stereo off
Dot surface
On Off
To change the background colour
White Black Grey
To improve performance set the platform speed lower.
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